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As a customary, the Pope was
presented with a gift. Bush chose to give the Pope a hand-carved
walking stick from Dallas resident
Roosevelt Wilkerson, a ninth-
grade dropout who was homeless until a few years ago.


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The Holy See has broken off an alliance with Amnesty International
"after its pro-abortion about-turn.”
The president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace said that the Holy See is ceasing donations to Amnesty International as a result of the group’s public advocacy for abortion. He urged Catholic donors to
reconsider gifts to the organization.


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The couple, who is Catholic, went to ask prayers for their daughter who disappeared while the family was vacationing in Portugal.
The Vatican spokesperson said
when the couple expressed their desire to meet with Holy Father to ask for his prayers the Holy See was quick to say yes.


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The British Secret Service, MI6, has published an alarming report
recently, revealing that some 200 million Christians in 60 countries
around the world are at a risk of suffering persecution.


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Pope Benedict XVI issued an appeal to the leaders of the G8 industrial
nations during his public audience recently, urging wealthy nations “not to retreat from their promises” to provide aid to needy countries.


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Recently published statistics
report that there are 557 citizens of Vatican City.
Of the total number of citizens, 58 are cardinals, 293 are clergy with status as members of pontifical
representation, 62 are other
members of the clergy, 101 are members of the Swiss Guard and the
remaining 43 are other lay persons.


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According to a story in the Irish
Independent, Pope John Paul II
enjoyed slipping away from Rome
for visits to the Italian
countryside, sometimes sleeping
on the ground outdoors to enjoy
the open air.


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The Holy See is lending its support to an U.N. initiative aimed at aiding some 4 million displaced Iraqis, a number that grows by the day.
Some 2million Iraqis currently displaced internally and 2 million others
have already fled the country, and between 40,000 and 50,000 are
fleeing their homes each month.


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According to the latest statistical directory of the worldwide Church, has revealed that the number of Catholic in the world has remained the same during the last five years, with the exception of Africa, where the number has increased significantly.