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The Israelites leave Egypt. This means that they want to be baptized and start a new life. But Pharaoh changes his mind. What does that symbolize? That symbolizes our old inclination, our old prejudice. We find it difficult to change. So Pharaoh\'s army comes galloping after the sraelites.


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That night the shepherd were sleeping under the stars. Suddenly they heard the most angelic music. They couldn\'t believe their ears. How could such beautiful music be heard in the wilderness? Was there a symphony orchestra in the wilderness?
What was going on? They must be dreaming. Suddenly they saw streaming through the sky thousands of angels singing away.


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Herod, when he heard that another king was born he was very angry. He said to himself,\"I am going to kill this baby king.\" But he said to these three Magi,\"You go and find the king, and when you find him, come back and tell me.\" We can see his evil plan. He was scheming.


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God is speaking to us in the wind. We can hear him whispering in the leaves of trees. We can see him in the beauty of nature. We can see him in the complexities of science. We can see him in the scientific discoveries.


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The Jews said, \"We have our traditions. Jesus is blaspheming. Kill him.\" This teaching is against our tradition. We have Ezekiel, Isaiah and Jeremiah, why should we listen to this ignorant carpenter? Why should we believe in this carpenter? We are Pharisees. We are the spiritul leaders of the Jews. We understand everything in the Bible.


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we have to admire these Magi. They didn\'t know about the Christian religion. But one day they all saw a star. It was a beautiful, magnificent, brilliant star shining in the sky. They followed it for miles and miles and miles. For them, it symbolized the truth. These Magi symbolize all those who are looking for the truth.


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our whole lives are a Passover, because the basic meaning of Passover is to go from earth to heaven. And that after all is the real meaning of life. That is to say we want to go from this earth to heaven. We all have dreams and the most wonderful dream is to get to heaven. This is what we are all striving for.


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These three gifts symbolized that Jesus was a king,Jesus was a priest, and Jesus would suffer. We can also remeber that all of us, in a certain way, will share these three qualities, If we believe in Jesus Christ.One of the reasons why we admire these Magi is because of their humility. We can also admire their perseverance. But most important of all, we admire their faith. They could see God in the little child in the stable.


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They are wandering in the wilderness of confusion. They havn\'t got the vaguest idea what they are doing. At night they go to bed. They get up in the morning, they go to work and then at night they go to bed again. They don\'t know what they are doing. The children don\'t know where they are going.


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What would you do? The army is behind you and the Red Sea is in front of you. Well, you rely on God. God said to Moses,\"Raise your staff.\" And a great miracle happened. The Red Sea parted.