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Why do we like Ding Dang or
Harry Porter? We all like
supernatural stories because
we all have a supernatural aim
in life. A pure material life
can't satisfy men. Jesus said,
" What does it profit you, if
you gain the whole world but
you lose your soul?" Even we have all the money in the world, we will
still be unhappy, because only God can satisfy men's desire.


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When we see the Catholic
Church, we see Jesus. "well,"
the skeptics will say,
"yesterday in the newspapers,
I read about a Catholic scandal,
a bad priest, a bad Catholic,
a bad bishop, a bad pope.
So you are talking nonsense."
We don't believe in the Catholic Church because the priest is a good guy or a bad guy.


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Jesus is very merciful. We should be very careful when we are dealing
with sinners. We should welcome them home. Jesus wanted to teach us
to get on with the job of preaching and establishing the kingdom of
God. So he gave us a very interesting parable.


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If we do not know Jesus, we do
not know the way to the Father.
And if we don't know the way to
the Father, we are lost. That is
our predicament. We are
floundering. Most of us are
floundering in life. We are
wasting our lives.


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Man lives on this earth to know
love and serve God and be happy
with him forever in the next life.
If somebody asks me: "Where do
you come from?" Then he says:
"Where are you going?" If I say:
" I don't know where I come from
and I don't know where I am
going. " He would say that I am mad.


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We normaly think of Jesus bringing peace. Of course he will, but the
peace he brings would be fruit of great endeavor and might well involve
considerable strive.


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In our simple lives, how can we become specially chosen? What's special about me? How could I be of importance? I'm nobody. Am I really worth
all that much? Can I change the course of history?


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Jesus is telling us how to pray. We must pray continuously. If we ask, we will receive. If we knock, it will be opened. This prayer is called "Our


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What is Christmas? It is the realization of the deepest Chinese need,
which is the unity of heaven and earth.This does not mean that other
religions don't have the truth. It just means that the fullest truth is
in Jesus Christ.


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Catholics adore the sacred heart of Jesus.The sacred heart of Jesus means the real Jesus' whole
being. Some people think that it is a bit odd to show so much
respect to one part of Jesus'
body. Actually we are worshiping
the whole of Jesus when we
respect his heart.