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教會活動 真理新聞 心靈加油 學習課程 主日講道


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She and Abraham were almost one hundred years old! She knew that no one her age ever had a baby. She was just too old! The visitors knew
that she laughed. They said,"Is anything too hard for God?"


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When God saw all the creatures
that He made, he said that they
were very good. Then God did
something even more special! He
took some dirt and formed it
into a man.


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When the earth was dry enough, God told Noah to come out of the ark.
Noah's family must have been so excited! The animials must have been
excited, too. It has been a long time since they had been albe to run
and climb and leap on dry ground.


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Eve listened to the serpent. Adam ate some,too. God was very sad
that they had disobeyed Him.
Adam and Eve had to leave the
beautiful garden, but God still
loved them very much.