The gospel today assures us that the end time will come.

Although no one knows the time or the hour, still it will come, it is more about salvation.

These occurrences should be welcomed with joy because they signal

that the deliverance of the just is right around the corner.


St. Elizabeth of Hungary, religious

 *** 1st Reading ***  

Wisdom of Solomon 13:1-91

The natural

Helplessness of humans is seen in their ignorance of God. The experience of good things did not lead them to the knowledge of Him who is. They were interested in his works, but they did not recognize the author of them. Fire, wind, air, the sphere of the stars, rushing water and the lights in the sky were held as the rulers of the world. 


If, charmed by such beauty, they took them for gods, let them know how far superior is their sovereign. And if they were impressed by their power and activity, let them understand from this how much mightier is he who formed them. For the grandeur and beauty of creatures lead us to ponder on their Author, greater and more magnificent.


No doubt these people are not to be blamed severely, for possibly they strayed though they searched for God and desired to find him. They pondered over the created things that surrounded them and were captivated by the sight of such beauty.Even so they are not to be excused, for if they were able to explore the world, why did they not discover first the world's Sovereign?


Ps 19:2-3,4-5ab The heavens proclaim the glory of God.


**** Gospel ****    

Luke 17:26-37

As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be on the day the Son of Man comes. Then people ate and drank; they took husbands and wives. But on the day Noah entered the ark, the flood came and destroyed them all. Just as it was in the days of Lot: people ate and drank, they bought and sold, planted and built. But on the day Lot left Sodom, God made fire and sulfur rain down from heaven which destroyed them all. So will it be on the day the Son of Man is revealed.


On that day, if you are on the rooftop, don't go down into the house to get your belongings, and if you happen to be in the fields, do not turn back. Remember Lot's wife. Whoever tries to save his life will lose himself, but whoever gives his life will be born again. I tell you, though two men are sharing the same bed, it may be that one will be taken and the other left. Though two women are grinding corn together, one may be taken and the other left."

Then they asked Jesus, "Where will this take place, Lord?" And he answered, "Where the body is, there too, will the vultures gather."



 Gospel Reflection :

"We are all searching for something."

We are all searching for something. We may be searching for fame or power or wealth. We may be searching for commitment or healing. We may just be searching for a moment of peace in our hectic world. Today's first reading talks about those who are searching for God. The author of the Book of Wisdom described those who, in their search for God, mistake creation for the Creator, worshipping the sun, stars, and other realities of nature.


People in our day continue to search for God and, like the searchers of the past, may mistake created realities, including nature, for the true God. How can we help those searching to find God? Our best way to help them is through our witness of faith lived well and with joy. We often forget the joy part, thinking that being devout and faithful means being solemn and gloomy. But why would anybody seek to follow the example of a person who lacks joy? By living in faith and hope, we can help others find the goal of their search: God.