*** 1st Reading ***

Corinthians 4:1-5

 Let everyone then see us as the servants of Christ

And stewards of the secret works of God. Be­ing stewards, faithful­ness shall be demanded of us; but I do not mind if you or any human court judges me. I do not even judge myself; my conscience indeed does not accuse me of anything, but that is not enough for me to be set right with God: the Lord is the one who judges me.

 Therefore, do not judge before the time, until the coming of the Lord. He will bring to light whatever was hidden in dark­ness and will disclose the secret intentions of the hearts. Then each one will receive praise from God.


Ps 37:3-4, 5-6, 27-28, 39-40

The salvation of the just comes from the Lord.


**** Gospel ****

Luke 5:33-39

Some people asked him, “The disciples of John fast often and say long prayers, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees. Why is it that your disciples eat and drink?” Then Jesus said to them, “You can’t make wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them. 

But later the bridegroom will be taken from them and they will fast in those days.”  Jesus also told them this parable, “No one tears a piece from a new coat to put it on an old one; otherwise the new will be torn and the piece taken from the new will not match the old.

No one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine will burst the skins and be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed as well.  But new wine must be put into fresh skins. Yet no one who has tasted old wine is eager to get new wine, but says: The old is good.”


Gospel Reflection

In one Sunday Mass, a parish priest asked his parishioner to bring him packed meals the coming Friday. Friday came and twenty people showed up in the convent with packs of heavy lunch. The priest, with his own packed lunch, let the parishioners to a bus terminal.

He pointed to them the dozens of children blocking passengers for cash or food. He said, “We’re eating with those children.” One parishioner answered, “I’m fasting, Father. I am giving all my food to them.”

The priest answered, “No, your fasting and giving of food have no value if you are not eating with them. How can you fast in front of these Jesuses?” Fasting is not only getting rid of something; sometimes, it is getting rid of someone, especially the poor, Jesus wants us to feast with Him through the needy – not get rid of Him.