***1st Reading***

 1Thessalonians 4: 1-8

 For the rest, brothers, we ask you in the name of Jesus, the Lord, and we urge you to live in a way that pleases God, just as you have learned from us.

This you do, but try to do still more. You know the instructions we gave you on behalf of the Lord Jesus:  the will of God for you is to become holy and not to have unlawful sex.

Let each of you behave towards his wife as a holy and respectful husband,  rather than being led by lust, as are pagans who do not know God.  In this matter, let no one offend or wrong a brother. The Lord will do justice in all these things, as we have warned and shown you.  God has called us to live, not in impurity but in holiness,  and those who do not heed this instruction disobey, not a human, but God himself who gives you his Holy Spirit.


**** Gospel ****

Matthew 25: 1-13

 This story throws light on what will happen in the king­dom of heaven. Ten bridesmaids went out with their lamps to meet the bridegroom.  Five of them were foolish, and five were sensible.

 The careless bridesmaids took their lamps as they were and did not take extra oil.  But those who were sensible, took flasks of oil with their lamps.  As the bridegroom delayed, they all grew drowsy and fell asleep.

But at midnight, a cry rang out: ‘The bridegroom is here, come out and meet him!’  All the maidens woke up at once and trimmed their lamps. Then the foolish ones said to the sensible ones: ‘Give us some oil, for our lamps are going out.’ The sensible ones answered: ‘There may not be enough for us and for you. You had better go to those who sell and buy some for yourselves.’

 When the bridegroom came, and the foolish maidens were out buying oil, but those who were ready went with him into the wedding feast, and the doors were shut.  

 Later the other bridesmaids arrived and called out: ‘Lord, Lord, open to us.’  But he answered: ‘Truly, I do not know you.’  So, stay awake, for you do not know the day nor the hour.


Reflection gospel:


In between Jesus’ inauguration of the reign of God and his next coming to finally renew all creation, we stay awake, always ready and prepared. The fact that we do this means we believe in Christ’s promise of a new heaven and a new Earth. While we await this glorious event, we accompany our faith with works of justice and mercy.

All the works of justice, mercy and love of people who have gone before us, and the people who will come after us, count; and they all matter as contributions in the saving mission of Jesus. Being awake, or being prepared, means we bring in our share of good works in this mission of Jesus, in his mission of saving humanity and all of God’s beautiful creation.