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Benedict XVI recently prayed for an end to the AIDS epidemic.He said
“my thoughts and my prayers go to all persons affected by this
sickness, in particular children, to the poorest and to those who
are rejected.”


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As Benedict XVI urges developed nations to stop cutting aid to less
developed ones, a study notes that private giving is actually on the
rise, especially in the United States.


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North Korea claims to guarantee freedom of religion but severely restricts religious observance, genuine religious freedom dose not exist in the


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In a sign that the Chinese
government may be taking a step
toward ending its oppressive
one-child policy, authorities in
Shanghai encouraging thousands
of couples to have a second baby
to offset the graying of the
Chinese population.


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The spokesman said the
examination lasted for about a
half hour and had great result,
the clinical exam showed that
progress is good and corresponds
to what was expected.


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He suggested that maybe it was part of God’s plan “to teach me
greater patience and humility.” On the bright side, the Pope noted, the
incident he gave him “more time for prayer and meditation.”