*** 1st Reading ***

Hebrews 7:25-8:6

 Consequently he is able to save

For all time those who approach God through him. He always lives to intercede on their behalf.  It was fitting that our High Priest be holy, undefiled, set apart from sinners and exalted above the heavens; a priest who does not first need to offer sacrifice for himself before offering for the sins of the people, as high priests do.

He offered himself in sacrifice once and for all. And whereas the Law elected weak men as high priests, now, after the Law, the word of God with an oath appointed the Son, made perfect forever.

 The main point of what we are saying is that we have a high priest. He is seated at the right hand of the divine majesty in heaven, where he serves as minister of the true temple and sanctuary, set up not by any mortal but by the Lord.

 A high priest is appointed to offer to God gifts and sacrifices, and Jesus also has to offer some sacrifice. Had he remained on earth, he would not be a priest, since others offer the gifts according to the Law.

 In fact, the ritual celebrated by those priests is only an imitation and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary. We know the word of God to Moses with regard to the construction of the holy tent. He said: You are to make everything according to the pattern shown to you on the mountain. Now, however, Jesus enjoys a much higher ministry in being the mediator of a better covenant, founded on better promises.


Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17

Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.


**** Gospel ****

Mark 3:7-12

 Jesus and his disciples withdrew to the lakeside and a large crowd from Galilee followed him. A great number of people also came from Judea, Jerusalem, Idumea, Trans­jordan and from the region of Tyre and Si­don, for they had heard of all that he was doing.

 Because of the crowd, Jesus told his disciples to have a boat ready for him, to prevent the people from crush­ing him. He healed so many that all who had diseases kept pressing towards him to touch him. Even the people who had evil spirits, when­ever they saw him, would fall down before him and cry out, “You are the Son of God.” But he warned them sternly not to tell anyone who he was.


Gospel Reflection

Jesus is now in the heights of His ministry. His display of healing powers attracted a lot of people who were desperate for cure. They keep pressing towards Him.

He has no recourse but to retreat into the sea by getting into the boat. Land exit is next to impossible. His fame is now a burden. But Jesus did not shrink from the work.

He just made practical provisions so He would not be crushed by the crowd. If we do things for love our energy and enthusiasm for work is sustained. But let us not lose our good sense while doing ministry so we could work for another day.